Phoenix Institute

Lexington, KY

The OneHeart Mailing List

OneHeart makes use of two principles taught by Samuel: the power of group energy and the power of recognizing gratefulness.

The power of group energy taught by Samuel and backed up by scientific evidence recognizes that the energy of our individual thoughts is greatly amplified when we work in unity with others toward a common goal. The OneHeart community directs focused thought to the energy requests of OneHeart participants with incredible results. Many have attributed the collective energy of OneHeart for miracles in their lives. OneHeart has become an invaluable tool for uniting and pooling the energetic resources of people from all over the world toward specific requests. As always, all requests on OneHeart are made with the caveat that “this, or something better, manifest for the highest good of all involved,” a core teaching of Samuel’s which emphasizes our co-creatorship with the Universe. OneHeart has become an invaluable tool in Samuel’s work allowing individual’s to support, encourage and celebrate life with each other.

OneHeart has also become a powerful tool for voicing gratefulness for people and events in our life. Samuel says this is important because when we recognize and voice our gratefulness we are opening the door to manifestation, establishing completions, and seeing beyond our day-to-day human experience.

How OneHeart Works

OneHeart energy requests and statements of gratitude are made via e-mail. Once you’ve joined the OneHeart community, you’re able to send e-mails to, which in turn are automatically sent to everyone in the OneHeart Community.

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